I received Senator Martinez's response to my question about the new "Stimulus" package.
Below is a response to the recent comments I received from you:
Dear Mr. Kayser:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the United States economy. I appreciate hearing from you and would like to take this opportunity to respond.
In February 2008, the Congress, with my full support, passed the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. This legislation was designed to jump start our slowing economy and encourage job creation. Included in the package was direct financial relief for individuals and families, as well as tax incentives for businesses aimed at stimulating investment.
As you know, our economy is facing a number of serious challenges--many of which involve housing, an acute issue in our state. As the Senate considers additional proposals aimed at growing our economy, including the possibility of a second stimulus bill, I will keep your thoughts in mind. I will continue to work with my colleagues to find ways to use the resources of the federal government in a reasonable and responsible manner in order to mitigate future losses and put our housing and financial markets on the pathway to recovery.
Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. For more information about issues and activities important to Florida, please sign up for my newsletter at http://martinez.senate.gov.
Mel Martinez
United States Senator