(1) Goldman Sachs gives Hank Paulson seven hundred million dollars (that's seven zero zero comma zero zero zero comma zero zero zero) in salary and bonuses.
(2) Goldman Sachs lends Hank Paulson to the Treasury (now that he can afford to be a public servant).
(3) As the Secretary of the Treasury, Paulson insists that we give Goldman Sachs a lot of money, in exchange for a lot of crap. (If not, we all die.)
(4) Except it's not Hank Paulson's money, it's ours.
(5) If the crap turns out to be crap, we're stuck with it. (And by the way: if it's not crap, why are they so desperate to unload it?)
(6) In four months, Paulson returns to Goldman Sachs.
(7) Paulson receives salary and bonuses from the money we just gave to Paulson to give to Goldman Sachs to give to Paulson.
(8) It's our money. Or was. But we don't get preferred shares. We don't get a ten percent dividend. We don't even get a free copy of The Warren Buffet Way: Second Edition (Paperback). We get crap.
Amazing stuff. They would like you to think this is "Main Street" and not Wall Street. How dumb do they think we are?