President-elect Obama has chosen for his chief of staff Mr. Rahm Emanuel. This is an interesting choice. Mr. Emanuel is a native of Chicago and is the fourth ranking member of the House of Representatives. His selection by Obama was expected by those in the know. However, it stands in stark contrast to some of the remarks that I read prior to the election as to Mr. Obama and his possible thinking about Israel. Many of the statements coming out of the Jewish community were anti-Obama. Many believed him to be a secret Muslim, or at least favoring the Muslim viewpoint of Israel. Of course he would be pro-Arab in any negotiations with the Arab world, and anti-Israel and anti-Semetic. This can now be seen for what it was, hate mongering.
Mr. Emanuel is not just a figurehead. He will be Chief of Staff. And he is very pro-Israel. His father was a member of Irgun. Mr. Emauel is by all accounts a practicing Jew and respected member of his synagogue.
So, here is the hope that being a Jew, Muslim, born again Christian, or whatever, is put aside and we can get down to bringing America back to a position of respect around the world.